Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Project Based Learning and Technology

It has been a long time since I last posted - a little over a year.  My last post was about optimism for the 2012 Blue Jays season.  If you follow baseball the Jays still aren't giving much reason to be optimistic as a fan.

I am getting back into my blog again for a couple of reasons:

  • it seems like the right thing to do again
  • I intend to use this blog to record my reflections and my journey as I dive into completing my Masters of Education Portfolio through Lakehead University about Project Based Learning and how technology can support the learning
  • I was also inspired by many great people and educators as I attended PBLWorld in June who blog on a regular basis. - for a summary of the Coaching Academy that I attended at the conference please visit the blog of Bianca Hewes who is an avid blogger, and PBL leader
  • I want to use this blog as a platform to get my thoughts and the resources that I gather organized and consolidated in one spot
Over the next several months, I will be working at answering the following Driving Question;

How can I use literature and PLNs to develop a rationale and provide examples for educators to incorporate technology into PBL?

If you wish to read my full proposal it can be found here.

My hope is to develop a sound rationale for using technology to support Project Based Learning as well as to provide video tutorials of specific technologies that support PBL - like a how-to video. The Buck Institute for Education has an well respected and robust model of PBL and it is their model that I will be using as I continue my work.  For more info on their model please visit http://www.bie.org/about/what_is_pbl/ .

The BIE does provide an info-graphic of their model which outlines their 8 Essentials of PBL. The video tutorials that I create will be related to these 8 Essentials.  

I am beginning to dive into some of the readings to help develop the rationale. Here are a couple of the articles that I currently thinking about.
The next steps for me are to continue on in my readings and researching how technology supports learning and specifically Project Based Learning.  I will also be developing a rubric/metric to help find appropriate technology that educators and students can use in their projects. 

I will be using my Personal Learning Network (PLN) of learners and educators to bounce ideas off of and to solicit opinions, ideas and resources.  If you are reading this then I hope that you might also take the opportunity to become of my PLN. This is most easily done by commenting on this blog or by following me on twitter @hblyleven

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